Hide the extra items completely, if you mean it. Otherwise they might be avialable to keyboard only and screen reader users, even though not available for mouse only users.

CodePen example - Show more/less, bad user experience

There are 10 links as line items, with mouse only first 5 are available(accessible) initially. The remaining are available only, if the use clicks the “Show more” button.

How ever that’s not true for a keyboard user, using tab, or for a screen reader user. In the below example all the 10 links are available to the user. Try accessing the below UI using tab.

See the Pen Show more/less - bad example by Sarbbottam Bandyopadhyay (@sarbbottam) on CodePen.

The Show more button is not only meaningless, as it appears after the user has navigated through all the links, but confusing too.

One could add, aria-hidden="true" attribute to the button, so that screen reading software, ignores it. But it does not fix the behavior for keyboard only user. More over, it is not an optimal user experience for a keyboard user, they have to pass through all the links, when accessing a web document, in top down fashion.


A better experience would be to wrap the more items in a container, and set its display to none initially. And updated the display to block or none on demand, i.e. when the corresponding button is interacted.

Also focus the container, so the screen reading software can start reading out its the content.

Try the following example.

See the Pen Show more/less, better user experience by Sarbbottam Bandyopadhyay (@sarbbottam) on CodePen.

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